Soliloquy of Maynyannyan

A blog for musings ranging from more serious stuff (politics, cultural critique) to more fun stuff (short fantasy novels). Primarily in English and Japanese.



Twitter locked my account :(

Twitter blocked my account for security reasons? It asked me to verify my phone number, which I did, but when it came to my email address, whenever I entered the verification code, it told me that that code had already expired. So weird. I…

Disordered eating????

Okay as the title says, this is about my eating habits and body stuff so please stop reading if this is not something you want to read right now. So recently my friend and I kind of realized that I have very little interest in food. It's t…

pan poly feminist nonbinary whore

Hi. My name is May. Im a pansexual, currently-in-poly-relationships, intersectional-radical-feminist, nonbinary whore (sex worker). Im also a degree seeking college student, who does translation jobs from time to time. I love my partners a…



I could not say

Contents warning: sexual assault I could not say in my teens that I feared being sexually desired. Being sexually desired felt like I would lose control of my body. While I binged on Johnlock's explicitly sexual and romantic fanfics, and w…


私も死は救済って心の底から信じてた時はありました。今でも「しにたい」って言葉が頭をよぎることはあるんですけど、それをしっかり噛み砕いてあげると、「辛い」とか「辛さに終わって欲しい」とか「寂しい」とか「もう疲れた」とかなんですよね。 だから、…


Twitter消してみました。衝動的ではあったけど、少し離れたくてさ。呟かなければその分別の場所でまとまったアウトプット出来るかなと思って。 一週間弱くらい薬切らしてたんだけど、案の定不安定。でも思いのほか前ほど酷くなくて、ある程度は元気でいれた…


最近炎上してるフェミニストツイッタラーのプロフィールや他のツイートを見るとフェミニズムにここ数年浸かってきた私からすると「明らかに釣り垢だろ」と思うようなアカウントが見受けられます。 フェミニストが言いそうなことをフェミニズムやフェミニスト…