Soliloquy of Maynyannyan

A blog for musings ranging from more serious stuff (politics, cultural critique) to more fun stuff (short fantasy novels). Primarily in English and Japanese.

pan poly feminist nonbinary whore

Hi. My name is May. Im a pansexual, currently-in-poly-relationships, intersectional-radical-feminist, nonbinary whore (sex worker). Im also a degree seeking college student, who does translation jobs from time to time.


I love my partners a lot. I love spending time with them.


Im also a habitual cheater. Thus, began a consensually open relationship, also known as, a potential polyamory. In my mind I think it's better than secretly cheating, because I won't do anything my partner doesn't want me to do, but still allow my sexual and/or romantic desires to take shape.


Im a backseat kind of intersectional radical feminist. Not much action for others, but more of a self eye opener type. I use feminist and/or queer thoughts to be free from social expectations and to love myself and others. I have in the past, been more active. But depression and social anxiety manifested after working myself too hard, which led to a failed suicide. Actually, multiple failed suicides. To be precise, 6. Or maybe 7? 8? I stopped counting after my third one.


Don't worry! I've decided not to attempt suicide again because hospital fees are exorbitant, people who love me feel devastated, and my freedom got restricted a lot everytime I did it.


To be honest, I used to think it was weird to call them suicide attempts or failed suicides. I did have a strong desire to die, but also I strongly wished for my suffering to stop. Essentially, my desire to die was a desire for my suffering to end. And when I was very depressed I couldnt move or exercise to change my mood so I relied on overdosing to help me feel differently or at least distract me from my inner suffering. But people around me still thought my actions were attempted suicides, and their feelings are important too so I kind of accept now that my actions can be called attempted or failed suicides.


Anyways, my life is great. And I'll write more about feminism and how I feel about being a whore, and my gender/sexual identity at a later date.

