Soliloquy of Maynyannyan

A blog for musings ranging from more serious stuff (politics, cultural critique) to more fun stuff (short fantasy novels). Primarily in English and Japanese.







<原体験その1: 男女問わず誰でも利用していいトイレとシャワー>










<原体験その2: 病状別の精神科の閉鎖病棟












<原体験その3: 社会人英語ディベート勉強会>












Disordered eating????

Okay as the title says, this is about my eating habits and body stuff so please stop reading if this is not something you want to read right now.


So recently my friend and I kind of realized that I have very little interest in food. It's true. For me food is either good or meh, and high in calorie or not so high in calorie. My taste buds and my brain is not capable of appreciating differently prepared dishes. I either like it or meh. And even with good foods, all I'm thinking is "this is yummy!" And I don't really analyze what it tastes like, etc.


I also don't like cooking at all. I sometimes fry eggs and bacon but that's pretty much it. It's not that I can't cook, but I just don't enjoy cooking at all. I'll set the table and wash dishes, but if no one is cooking, I probably won't be either.


I also sometimes just don't like food at all. I eat because otherwise I can't get up and do stuff. I'm too weak from not eating for too long. Or something like that.


But I also do eat and can eat quite a lot. My girlfriend says I eat way more than I look like I can, and various people I've ate with have noted that fact too. So I do eat.


But when I eat a lot, I eat less for a day or two to balance out the calorie intake. If I can't see my abs clearly, for me that's a sign that I've been eating too much, so I'll skip a few meals and snack on stuff, or maybe just eat not too much at meals.


For me, all this was very normal. Until I found out how much my friend loves cooking and eating.


If I had to live on baked beans and toast for the rest of my life (given that those two food items supply me with all the nutrients I need without too much salt or sugar) I'd be totally fine. I love baked beans on toast.


But apparently that is not normal.


I can lose weight on command. I just don't eat. It's the easiest thing in the world for me. I can also gain weight if I really tried but that's way harder for me.


I do feel an urge to stay slim. Or stay slim enough that I can wear size 0 clothes, and wear the skinniest jeans. I also put a lot of my body related confidence on being thin. As long as I'm thin I'm okay. But not too thin that I lose my cute little butt.


Since I started getting my periods maybe when I was 16? I've never missed one due to being too skinny. And I guess the only time being skinny was an issue was at my primary school in London where I was sometimes picked on for being too skinny. Or when that time a classmate teased me for not wearing a bra.


But it turns out that there was a much bigger problem. My lack of interest in food. My friend said that if being skinny and passion for food were a trade off, she would not want to be skinny. And to be honest, I agree. Loving food probably brings a lot more happiness to your life than being skinny. But since I would never know, I'm stuck with my skinniness and little to no appreciation for all the amazing food stuff out there.

pan poly feminist nonbinary whore

Hi. My name is May. Im a pansexual, currently-in-poly-relationships, intersectional-radical-feminist, nonbinary whore (sex worker). Im also a degree seeking college student, who does translation jobs from time to time.


I love my partners a lot. I love spending time with them.


Im also a habitual cheater. Thus, began a consensually open relationship, also known as, a potential polyamory. In my mind I think it's better than secretly cheating, because I won't do anything my partner doesn't want me to do, but still allow my sexual and/or romantic desires to take shape.


Im a backseat kind of intersectional radical feminist. Not much action for others, but more of a self eye opener type. I use feminist and/or queer thoughts to be free from social expectations and to love myself and others. I have in the past, been more active. But depression and social anxiety manifested after working myself too hard, which led to a failed suicide. Actually, multiple failed suicides. To be precise, 6. Or maybe 7? 8? I stopped counting after my third one.


Don't worry! I've decided not to attempt suicide again because hospital fees are exorbitant, people who love me feel devastated, and my freedom got restricted a lot everytime I did it.


To be honest, I used to think it was weird to call them suicide attempts or failed suicides. I did have a strong desire to die, but also I strongly wished for my suffering to stop. Essentially, my desire to die was a desire for my suffering to end. And when I was very depressed I couldnt move or exercise to change my mood so I relied on overdosing to help me feel differently or at least distract me from my inner suffering. But people around me still thought my actions were attempted suicides, and their feelings are important too so I kind of accept now that my actions can be called attempted or failed suicides.


Anyways, my life is great. And I'll write more about feminism and how I feel about being a whore, and my gender/sexual identity at a later date.





I could not say

Contents warning: sexual assault

I could not say in my teens that I feared being sexually desired. Being sexually desired felt like I would lose control of my body. While I binged on Johnlock's explicitly sexual and romantic fanfics, and wrote about my sexual fantasies with who I was dating at the time, my body recoiled whenever I felt I was being sexually desired. I broke up with that person because of that. My fears had reached a point where I could not even stand to meet them in person. And we didn't have sex. We kissed once. As we said goodbye at a station.

I could not say how much groping on trains and swimming pools had scarred me. Up until college, the only "sexual experiences" I had were sexual violence by strangers. I didn't talk about this much, because I still vividly remember how powerless I felt at the time. I also didn't talk about it with people who fetishizes getting groped on trains; maybe it'd be fun if you actually wanted to get groped, but it really isn't when you just want to go to school in peace. I also didn't talk about these instances of sexual violence, because I felt guilty that I imagined, not just once but on many occasions, how much someone like this would pay to fuck me. At the time, I didn't understand these feelings at all. I thought I was confused. Or that maybe I did want to be groped, but every time I did, I felt so much anger, disgust, and fear. Those negative feelings would haunt me all day, and to some degree, even to this day. I really didn't understand why I desired getting fucked by someone who audaciously put their hands up my skirt.

But now I think I do. I think it was all about consent and the feeling of control that you can gain through only allowing someone to do something to me that I highly desired. I didn't like being sexually desired because I had only experienced being forcefully desired. Nor did I know how to protect myself when I didn't want to be sexually desired. But if I could have much better control over how someone acted out their desire towards me, that would have been ok I think, even for me at the time. That's probably why I imagined how I would successfully gain both money and sexual satisfaction from those sexual predators on the trains.

I stopped fearing being sexually desired, or having sexual experiences thanks to my ex who made me feel safe by being really really good at controlling how and when they exhibited their desires towards me. It was also around this time that I first learned about consent. I learned that I can and should say no when I didn't like something to protect myself as well as the relationship. I also felt so much euphoria when whoever I was fucking would ask before they did something to me. I gradually became much more open towards having sex with various people. I felt so much more in control. And had become a lot more street smart about who to trust or to pick.

It's a pity I felt like I could not talk about my fear of being sexually desired, and didn't talk about it for most of middle school and high school when I was fighting to not get groped every morning and evening.



だから、本当の救済はお金とかお昼寝とか夢が叶うことなんだろうなって思うようになりました。少なくともharm principle的に自分が死んでしまうのは他人を傷つけることなので避けるとして、今直面してる問題に対する解決方法としても理論的最適解ではないと思えるようになりました。努力しないで、全てを手に入れて、幸せになる事が理論的最適解ですよね。



